Prezi is a multimedia application for creating similar to Microsoft Office PowerPoint or Impress but dynamic and original presentations. The free version works only from the Internet and with a storage limit while payment allows us to install on our team.
A main feature of this application is the ability to organize information in the form of an outline and freely without exposing the slideshow. So the speaker or who consults a presentation developed with this software can access any content with simply clicks . You can navigate through the presentation , which is actually a single frame of 3D - from general view , the view by zooming or moving the canvas. Visual effects should be subject to proper narrative.
Some users have criticized the "Zoom user interface" ( ZUI ) Prezi claiming that tends to cause nausea . The company has recognized this potential effect offers manual with recommendations for a more sensible design to avoid this excessive use visual stimulation .
This application allows us to work on- line with all its tools for free, but there are several payment methods that allow you to hide the work on -line and protect them, and offer more storage than the free version . There are two methods of payment, the first, and most basic , called Enjoy, costs $ 4.92 per month and allows private presentations , use your own logo in presentations , request premium assistance and have 500 Mb of storage. The following mode called Pro , costs $ 13.25 per month and allows the addition of features Enjoy, edit presentations with no internet connection through the Prezi Desktop tool and have up to 2 GB of storage.
Key features of Prezi
- Assures the visual impact of the content. With the ease of importing images, maps, PDF documents and the cinematic experience of the role of "zoom", people feel as if the "world" you've designed will be transported.
- It is a friendly and highly recommended for teaching a young audience interactive whiteboard.
- You can keep the public domain on the internet for people to review all the material from wherever they want.
- It is a great tool for interactive sessions in class or group projects. Students can collaborate in real time (up to 10).
- You can export to a PowerPoint file with the "Import PowerPoint" feature.
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